Whether an employer, officer, employee, worker, contractor, elected member or NED, we will help you to navigate the complex matrix of law, collective agreements, codes of conduct and procedures, offering you practical advice, expertise and steadfast support, all at your fingertips
All different - all equal, whether it’s in the workplace, the provision or services, training in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; or the formulation of policy, we are here to help
Constitutions, memorandum and articles, codes of conduct, ethical governance, propriety and behaviours - these are all of crucial importance in maintaining confidence in your organisation and preserving your reputation. We can investigate, and report, advise and action to ensure the highest standards of ethics, conduct and governance are maintained
‘The standards you accept are the standards you walk by’ blowing the whistle on misconduct, poor service or corruption can be scary, whether you’re the whistleblower challenging authority, or the organisation facing substantial legal, regulatory and reputational challenge. We can advise on policy, undertake independent investigations and advise on strategy to navigate this complex and high pressure topic
Whether you are a University, Housing Association, Local Authority, or in the Private Sector, there are often times when an independent investigation is needed. We bring experience from some of the biggest external investigations, and expertise at providing a factual or evaluative report with independence and integrity.
We specialise in representation for individuals and policy advice for employers and the LGBTQ+ community. Whether it's discrimination at work, the provision of goods and services, training or policy development, we are here to offer help and advice.
The rights and obligations of the self employed in a professional services partnership are complicated. Discrimination law, whistle-blowing and certain other rights and obligations are now imported into that setting. Whether you're an LLP, a Partnership or a member of a firm, getting the right advice when things start to go wrong is essential. There are complex considerations, from fiduciary duties, finances and taxation to consider, as well restrictive covenants. We offer a comprehensive service which covers all these bases and offers mediated solutions, or prepares you for litigation, if needed.
Greenburgh & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (653924). Registered at Companies House (11535384).
Registered office 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
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